Growmore Ericaceous Compost 60L


Ericaceous compost is acidic, with a pH of between four and five. It's suitable for growing ericaceous or acid-loving plants, which need a growing medium that's free from lime (alkalinity), such as Blueberries and Rhododendrens Acidity and alkalinity are measured by the pH (potential Hydrogen) scale, and you can find out the ph of your soil using a cheap and simple test kit.

If your soil is alkaline (with a pH of above seven), you can grow acid-loving plants in pots or raised beds, using ericaceous potting compost. Using the right potting compost is key to success when growing plants in restricted spaces like containers or raised beds, because they need a good foundation to perform at their best from a small rooting area.

Certain plants that have evolved from woodland, mountainside or heathland, require soil that's acid or neutral as they cannot absorb some nutrients in alkaline or limy soil. These plants belong to the family Ericaceae, hence the term 'ericaceous'. Plants grown on the wrong soil type soon show signs of nutrient deficiency, particularly a lack of iron and other trace elements. The key symptom is yellowing leaves, known as ‘lime-induced chlorosis’. This weakens growth and leads to poor performance.

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